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​21th Symposium
Mr. Hiroyasu IZUMI, Former representative of the Taipei office of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association
"Taiwan Situation"

    On January 23, 2024, the 21st SAPA Symposium was held at the Second Diet Building of the House of Representatives, and Mr. Hiroyasu Izumi (Former representative of the Taipei office of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association) gave a lecture on "Taiwan Situation". 

    The lecture was thought-provoking and focused on where Taiwan is headed and how the international situation in East Asia will change following the results of the presidential election held the other day (13th). Taiwan was also the first to donate 1.5 billion yen (2.5 billion yen as of the 22nd) to those affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake. In this way, Japan has shown us that we have friends who are pro-Japanese, and that Taiwan is a member of the international community that works hand in hand. In conclusion, Mr. Izumi stated that we should support Taiwan to join the CPTPP, and argued that this is the most important thing Japan can do right now.

    The resumes used on the day were posted on the member page (first-time login settings required).

biography of Mr. Hiroyasu Izumi
April 1981: Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
April 2001 Director, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs Division, International Community Cooperation Department, Foreign Policy Bureau
April 2003 Director of Overseas Embassies, Minister's Secretariat
April 2004 Director, China Division, Asia and Oceania Bureau
August 2006 Minister, Embassy of Japan in the People's Republic of China
July 2010 Consul General, Consulate General of Japan in Shanghai
July 2013: Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Embassy of Japan in the United States
April 2016 Director of Training Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
August 2017 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Bangladesh
October 2019 Japan Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office Representative

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